6th Form Leadership
Club report date
Report Written By
Camp Location
Watershed believes in developing all round students, students who are relevant in all aspects of the society. One way in which we do this at Watershed is by making it compulsory to go for camps. It is an opportunity that also gives the students a chance to see, that interdependence is the highest level of living, as they discover that they need each other to climb the ladder of life and as a team they achieve more. Many do not have an opportunity of discovering the dynamics of relationships until they go for this camp.
A journey into the unknown! As we arrived at 2pm we were greeted by one of the impulsive instructors, Megamind, at that moment we felt like we were in form one once again as we were confused and very much startled. We were instructed to carry all our bags and proceed to crossing the dam. As we crossed the dam there were indeed many emotions of which one of them was the loss of our comfortable homes. In just a flush we were already on the other side. The nature was a symbol of peace and freshness as compared to the grey city of Harare.
On the first day we were at camp we outlined our values and motto that we would abide by for the following time period. The values included discipline, respect, integrity, honesty, humour and trust. Our motto was proudly comtributed by the Nyakambiri boys and it was “PAIN IS YOUR FRIEND!” One would think we were a crazy bunch but it was all in good light. Like an eagle which loves and conquers the storm, so we thrived to be. Although we were about to face challenges our goal was to conquer them all, hence pain was our friend.
The following days consisted of a normal routine of breakfast and a talk of Habitudes (habits and attitudes), led by Mr and Mrs Bushman. After the talk we got to enjoy activities of whuch we had leadership talks on what we had learnt soon after every activity. Lunch followed but unfortunately the rains did not allow us to have any activities outside. However, that did not stop us from having indoor activities.
Even though, we had many activities, one of the most exciting but challenging of them all was “GRANNY”. Nearly all activities were based on teamwork and this made us realise the importance of each and everyone in a team. This was a splendid leadership platform as we learnt not only through words but actions that made us understand the purpose of a leader. One of the most challenging tasks we had as teams was to budget wisely in order to buy food and utensils which we would use to cook dinner in the bush. This not only revealed the skilled in the kitchen and the not so skilled but also allowed us to learn how to use what we have for a greater purpose.
It was on Thursday that we realised that the great atmosphere and the beautiful and different people made it absolutely hard to be happy to go back home. It was even more difficult when we had to wave goodbye to our lovely instructors on Friday the 6th. One thing we knew for certain was that the Lasting Impressions staff had moulded us into the right leaders we needed to be for the school to be greater. It was at this point that we realised that we were now servant leaders of the school as we were transformed from raw materials to semi-finished goods. Above all it was all by the grace of God that we had this opportunity and for that we thank Him.