Outward Bound Form Three Camp
Club report date
Report Written By
Camp Location
Watershed believes in developing all round students, students who are relevant in all aspects of the society. One way in which we do this at Watershed is by making it compulsory to go for camps. It is an opportunity that also gives the students a chance to see, that interdependence is the highest level of living, as they discover that they need each other to climb the ladder of life and as a team they achieve more. Many do not have an opportunity of discovering the dynamics of relationships until they go for this camp.
On Thursday the twenty second of June the form three students took a trip to Chimanimani for a leadership and building course to the famous Outward Bound. We left Watershed College at around 0500 hours. The majestic mountains, evergreen pine trees carpeted by the grass signaled our arrival. Upon arrival we were warmly welcomed with a mouthwatering lunch which just painted huge smiles on our faces. We do give thanks for a well-trained cooking staff that kept us well feed throughout the camp. Our instructors wasted no time and got us in the camp groove by making us do some activities that taught us to interact with each other and also to have decorum that suited the environment. After a tiresome and long day, sleep is all we wished for.
The second and the third day were filled with hard work, pain, hope and suffering. We were divided into four groups namely Haroni, Hadange, Chinokwe and Mangowe. Raft building taught us to communicate, work as a team and to be hardworking. On the other hand Rock Climbing and Zip Wire activities taught us to push past our fears, and that there is always a helping hand in life. It could be from friends, family and God. Both boys and girls were terrified, however, it taught us to trust each other as most things can be overcome when you help and trust each other.
Oh Boy was Jacobs ladder tough and the sheer size of the task seemed impossible. We learnt to once again trust each other as this was a task that one could not complete on their own. The poles were not equally apart teaching us that in life, obstacles are not always the same and it will get harder at a certain point, so we should be always be ready for anything. It was also there to build patience and teamwork. The pamper pole dealt with self-esteem and one’s confidence to overcome obstacles. On our final night at Outward Bound each of us received their certificates and for the last night we also had a restful evening.
The fourth and final day of the adventurous camp we finally had to go. By this time we all were about to burst with knowledge. The initial objectives of this camp were to prepare us for the future as the leaders of tomorrow, to learn to work as a team, build self-esteem, confidence and character. After all was said and done we achieved all these goals and it was an experience of a life time, Outward Bound proved the point that challenges, pain and suffering lead to something great. As the form three students we grew even more united and ready to make the change we want to see in the world.
We would like to the Head of Watershed College, Mrs. F. Benzon for giving us the opportunity to bond as a group. The teachers and the drivers that took us for the camp. The Outward Bound Instructors who were very hospitable and were always there for us when we dearly needed them and with their help we all successfully finished our course happy and healthy and different people, transformed students. Mostly, the Lord Almighty for guiding our journey and protecting us as we travelled.
Lastly, Outward gave us words of wisdom: ‘ If you cant fly then run, if you cant run then walk, id you cant walk then crawl but just remember, in whatever you are doing keep moving forward’ – Martin Luther King Jr.