Form 1 Camp
Club report date
Report Written By
Camp Location
Watershed believes in developing all round students, students who are relevant in all aspects of the society. One way in which we do this at Watershed is by making it compulsory to go for camps. It is an opportunity that also gives the students a chance to see, that interdependence is the highest level of living, as they discover that they need each other to climb the ladder of life and as a team they achieve more. Many do not have an opportunity of discovering the dynamics of relationships until they go for this camp.
Basically the camp was all about teamwork.
As soon as we arrived we went to the basketball courts to play a game whereby you had to pass the ball to someone of the opposite sex and to score you had to pass the ball to someone who is from your team and is standing on a drum. The lesson we had to learn in this game was to always do anything that one cannot do alone considering others of the opposite sex.
The second thing we did was looking for a team name for the teams we had been put in. There were four teams namely being vipers, bragsters, bulldogs and purple riders. There were six camp leaders namely Yamie, Carrie, Blaze, Tino, Rachel, Tyler and Cygan. In our teams we were told to choose a team leader and the four team leaders were Tarirai Matonga, Tanyaradzwa Kakono, Nicole Somane and Tariro Madamombe .
On the second day we did raft building, master chef, car building and fire making. All four were difficult because in raft building you use three big drums, seven poles, and four different types of rope to make a raft which was to float with five team members on it. In master chef you had to use the stuff you were given to make a meal that was to impress the judges and you were not allowed to taste anything before presenting it to the judges. Car building was quite complicated because you had to make a car that was to move without anyone pushing it. In fire making the vipers did not find it fair that they had to use the ancient way of making a fire yet other teams had to use the modern way of making a fire.
In the evening on that same day we had an evening talk and our topic was “why Watershed of all schools” and I am proud to say a lot of brilliant reasons were given. Early morning on our third day we went for a morning jog then after that we stretched and we went to shower. After everyone was done we had quiet time whereby you were to read the bible and answer the questions on what you learnt the previous night.
On our third and last day we did the amazing race whereby we had to different challenges in a given time and these activities were crossing the dam, ball passing, spider ball, obstacle course, blind fold and unwinding your hands. The second activity we did on this day was a game whereby you had to collect 17 flags that were hidden around the camp and to ensure that we did it as a team we had to get our hands tied together and if we untied we were going to get disqualified. The lesson to this activity was to work as a team no matter what. That evening we talked about “who you are” and it helped other children know who they are. The final activity we did was a game whereby you had to shoot your opponent filled with water.
This camp was amazing and we thank the Head and staff members for arranging this camp for us.