Debate Report
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2017 was an amazing year, we kicked off the year with the Marondera District competitions, Annual Dominican Convent -Tinashe Rwodzi Tournament and our traditional termly social fixtures with Peterhouse and Westridge.
In May the juniors attended the annual ATS contest at Lomagundi where Deon, Nkisu, Elizabeth, Pauline, Kundai and Mutsawashe participated. As a result, they matured, and became experienced in using the Karl Popper and World style debate formats.
For most of our debaters this year it was their first time to try such events and it took immense bravery and composure. It took intense preparation and skill to put up against well matched competitors. I would like to thank all debaters for their commitment always which helped us sail through this year but special mention goes Mrs Bingepinge for her constant encouragement even when we didn't believe in ourselves.
To the outside world Debate is just a fun club but to us it is our family, many good memories were shared here. The following Upper Six members will be leaving us at the end of this year: Tapiwa Mudheredhe and Lorraine Nyagumbo, all we can say to them is that they were simply the best and we will always cherish the time we spent with them.