Club report date
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The Interact Club at Watershed is still a small club comprising big achievers and members that aim to serve the community at large without expecting anything in return but the smiles of the less privileged. Interact members have fun while carrying out service projects and learning from others.
Our motto as a club for the year was “Service above self”, this helped us achieve some of our goals such as encouraging and practicing thoughtfulness and helpfulness to others, developing life skills including self-development and time management.
We managed to host a compound kid’s party where we fed about a hundred children and gave them little snacks to take home. Seeing them smile brought about bliss among all the club members. The club then went on to host fundraising activities such as Colour Splash, Winters’ Party and Movie Marathons in hopes of raising money to re-open the Compound Nursery School as well as refurbishing the Melfort Old Peoples’ Home. Sadly, by the end of the year we had only managed to raise enough funds to buy groceries for the old people at Melfort and funds to have another party for the Compound Kids.
We thank the Watershed community for supporting us in our endeavours for we would not have managed without them. Special mention goes to our club I/C Mr Nyabezi, for taking time out of his busy schedule to ensure the smooth running of the club and all activities, your efforts do not go unnoticed. The board members, Arktoro Peki, Charlene Chijaka, Ruvimbo Midzi, Nigel Kapanje and Taremeredzwa Mutasa for your innovative ideas and kind hearts with the help of the Interact Club as a whole.
As we walk through the journey of life, we are yet to accomplish our goals and inspire those around us to serve the community, to make the world a better place for everyone. Strive to serve without expecting any yields for the rewards in heaven are far greater. We hope that the incoming members will take the club to even greater heights and make a big difference in the community.
Taremeredzwa Mutasa
Interact Club Secretary