Scripture Union club
Club report date
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The 2018 Scripture Union club led by Miss N. Mafukidze and Mr. T. Mhangira consisted mainly of Form 3 students with few Forms 1 and 4 ones.
Though the group was small, it engaged in powerful and fruitful group discussions during most of the sessions. We mainly concentrated on sharing Bible verses. The verses would be selected from both the Old and the New Testaments of The Bible. Students would also share testimonies about their Christian lives and how and when they had personal experience with Jesus Christ. Some emphasis would be put on how they have witnessed the hand of Christ in both their home and school lives.
The group had a successful year and we give all the glory and honour to The Lord God and our saviuor. We expect a blessed new year.
I also expect more senior students to join this noble club in their large numbers, come 2019.
T Mhangira
Club IC 2018.