Media Club
Club report date
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Watershed College Media Club is one of the numerous cultural clubs that are on offer for the students at the school. The club is mainly focused on bringing news to different stakeholders on the happenings that take place or would have taken place in and around the school. As such, the club creates content for the school website, newsletters and the social media pages (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter). Numerous articles and pictures found on the school’s virtual presence are thanks to this club.
The club is comprised of boys and girls from Form 2 to Upper 6. This group of students get to sign out the school camera and take pictures of every event that takes place; whilst also writing something about the event.
This club is also of major importance as it highlights some profiles of current and past students’ achievements. Some students have managed to get scholarships for their excellence due to the Media Club showcasing their achievements on social media. As such the Media Club is a contemporary club which is of great benefit to all the school’s stakeholders. It is also our hope that it also opens an avenue for students to look out for other career options such as journalism and writing, with their basis coming from this club.