Life Skills Senior Club
Club report date
Report Written By
Camp Location
In 2018, the club consisted of seven boys, all from the Upper Sixth Form class.
The main objective of the club is to develop productive and responsible citizens who respect and efficiently utilise or manage their environment. Specifically, the boys were engaged in activities which helped them to
• manage their academic demands by efficiently allocating time to all the college activities.
• manage their social challenges both at the college and at their homes.
• reinforce and upgrade their leadership skills in the context of servant leadership.
• understand and hopefully manage their adolescent behaviour.
• care for their environment which is a source of their livelihood.
• acquire skills to enable them to relate well to new circumstances beyond Watershed College..
• choose their career paths from an informed position.
The club members met once every week, on Mondays, between 1400 and 1500 hours. The main activities during club sessions, included , among other things:
• research and report on topics of interest by members.
• presentations by specialists in selected academic disciplines or by motivational speakers.
• watching video clips on leadership, career opportunities, social responsibility or speeches by motivational speakers.
The boys showed interest in the club because it had a direct bearing on their lives at Watershed College and beyond.
My plan for the future is to widen the experiences of club members by including visits to relevant places such as industries that relate to their academic disciplines and to incorporate community service as a vehicle for social responsibility.