Computer Graphics Club Report
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Computer Graphics Club Report
Considering the size of computer graphics laboratory, we have not been able to accommodate more than ten students to partake in the club activities. However, I am delighted by the willingness of the students to join the club. I had an average of three students joining the club from each Form from Form One to Form Four. The upper school has not featured in this matrix and we are working hard to make sure that all the Forms are represented. What is interesting about the membership is that most of the students who join the club for the first time end up committing to long term engagement with the club. I can undoubtedly assert that the club is assured of a long life span.
The continued membership by the students can be ascribed to the interesting and refreshing activities that they engage in such as logo designing, packaging design, poster designing and brochure designing just to mention a few. Most important in these activities is that they are exposed to Computer Aided Design where software programmes such as CorelDraw are explored and used to design the above mentioned products. I am encouraged by the manner in which the participants, after having been exposed to a few initial tools, have gone on to discover more tools to utilise in their designing activities. This group is truly a happy family and I feel privileged to be leading such a team of willing learners most of whom strickly observe the ethos of the college regarding punctuality and attendance to club activities.
Of particular concern is the composition of the team which spans Form 1 to 6. At the moment, the upper school has shied away from becoming part of this group and my goal is to persuade them to be involved in this delightful activity where they challenge and test their problem solving prowess mentally and technically.
For the fulfilling experience afforded me by this special team, I humbly wish them refreshing and restorative holidays in order that they come back full of energy for next term’s exciting computer graphics activities.