Interact Club
Club report date
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Camp Location
It has been an interesting journey for the Interactors this year from the coming in of new patrons to the transformation of club ethos and principles. The Interact Club was chartered way back in 1990 and over the years, there had been a dilution of the founding principles of Interact as a service club. This year, we decided to rebuild the image of the club by realigning our activities and goals with the guiding principle which is “to encourage and foster the ideals of service as a basis of worthy enterprise.”
The year saw the transition from an events-oriented club to one which is more service oriented. Our motto is “Service above Self”, and this is what we aspire to uphold at all times. Fundraising events that the club hosted were namely, Africa Day celebration, movie marathon and the Black & White themed Civvies day. The funds raised from these events mainly went towards the Christmas party that was hosted for the compound children. Special mention goes to Mrs. F. Benzon whose generous contribution went a long way in ensuring the success of the event, especially because of the inflated prices that we had to work with. The club also bought retractable coils for the school bins that were being redesigned to be monkey-proof.
New leadership came in at the beginning of the third term and we bade farewell to our outgoing executive who deserve to be applauded for their efforts. We hope that they raise the Watershed Interact flag high wherever they go. To the incoming team, we hope you will execute your duties to the best of your abilities and create an awesome legacy for the club.
As we look forward to 2019, our main goals are to reactivate the Rotarian sponsorship as well as undertake a service project that will allow us to partner with an international Rotary or Interact club. We aim to open avenues of personal and group action leading to the advancement of international understanding and goodwill toward all peoples.