First Aid
Club report date
Report Written By
Camp Location
2018 has been a rather quiet year for the first aid club. The club started the year with managing the usual athletics injuries. These were the Form one standards and were uneventful as the form ones managed to do what they were expected with no hitches. Then there were other athletic events that followed. The first aid team managed to give their assistance professionally all the way.
Second term the busiest for the first aiders. The members managed to be vigilant in treating the injuries that occurred. This year’s rugby injuries were not that serious and the first aiders managed to nurse the grazes and soft tissue injuries the players sustained. The same was with the hockey games.
Third term was also not very busy as the members sailed through treating the minor injuries sustained during basket ball, volley ball and cricket.
The club did not manage to fundraise enough for what they normally do . The members were looking forward to be visiting the children’s home as they have before. The club hope 2019 will be different.