Leo Club
Club report date
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The year 2018 was a very busy and productive one for our Leo Club. The Leos started the year with donating stationery collected in 2017. The stationery drive was a success since we were able to donate to our school of choice, Bromley Primary. The club has only thrived more since then. In the first term, we were able to co-host a Colour Splash Fund-Raising event with Roosevelt Girls High. Those who managed to attend the event were Takudzwa Shange, Isheanesu Danda, Praise Kamusasa, Gamuchirai Mandengu, Tapiwa Masoka, Hazvineyi Kaseke, Blessing Matemba, Tafara Mhinda, Denzel Chikosi, Isheanesu Mahachi, Brandon Makedenge and Tanatswa Musariri. During that colour splash the club participated in the District 412 annual quiz and came third, qualifying for the final round held at the Leo District Convention at Thornhill in Gweru from 30 March to 2 April. The Leo members who attended this convention were Isheanesu Danda, Rudorwashe Mlambo, Gamuchirai Mandengu, Tadiwa Fambi, Tadiwa Matsikenyere, Tariro Gumbo, Daniel Ngwerewe and Mutsawashe Maredza. We came up in this final quiz challenge as the Second Runner up, and received a trophy.
Later on in the year, we began our stationery drive for 2018-2019 for the School Box Challenge. The money we used for the stationery drive was earned from the three fundraisings that Leo had during the course of the second term. Many Leo members were able to pitch up at each of the fundraising events and made the events successful. We received an invitation to attend the annual Leos First Council Meeting held at the University of Zimbabwe. However, due to other commitments, only three members were able to attend this meeting. The members were Tadiwanashe Fambi, Tadiwa Matsikenyere and Tariro Gumbo. In the third term, we were able to purchase the necessary stationery needed to donate to Bromley Primary school. In addition, we held a Pink Day in commemoration of Breast Cancer as a way of raising awareness of the disease. It was a success as all students and staff were able to raise $391.65 which was donated to the Cancer Association.
Looking into the future, we are planning to host a workshop for all Zone 1C Leo clubs that are in our District on 26 January, 2019. These are Leo clubs from Mutare, Marondera and Harare. With this in mind, it is our hope that it will inspire and attract more people to join the club as witnessed this past year. As a club, we would like to thank the Lord Almighty for His strength and sustenance throughout the year and it is our prayer that through His guidance and grace we will continue being successful in the coming year. As a result, we eagerly await 2019 as we hope to give the collected stationery to our school of choice, Bromley Primary School and to keep on moving from strength to strength.
Submitted by Tariro Gumbo.