Scholarships to Strathmore University

On the 25th of February representatives from Strathmore University which is a university situated in Kenya, came to Watershed College offering scholarships to one boy and one girl to study at their University. In order to win the scholarship, the students had to write a multiple choice mathematics examination for 1hour 15 minutes with no calculators to test their speed and accuracy. At the end of the examination, the girl as well as the boy with the highest marks out of all the students would be awarded scholarships to study any course of their choice at the university.
Top students were Arlene, Ruvarashe, Manu and Katleho in the girls’ category and Katleho got the pleasure of being awarded a scholarship by the university. For the boys Shoshi and Tsepo were the top students but they had to compete for the scholarship with other boys at national level the next day. The representatives went on and addressed the U6 students at the chapel from 12:00 to 13:00 and gave them some insight on how important mathematics is in today’s world and how it can be applied in different aspects of day-to-day life. They also familiarized the students with their university and explained the courses that they offer. Strathmore University offers courses such as law, actuarial science, computer science and business.
Natacia Magombo a Watershed College and Strathmore alumni also addressed students giving her own experiences. Students that study at the university will get the opportunity to be exposed to a variety of different nationalities and cultures, as well as studying using state of the art technology in state-of-the-art facilities. Students will also participate in some attachments that the university offers to teach students to be empathetic and to live well with others in society. Fortunately, next year the university will be coming back to Watershed to offer more scholarships to students. The 2023 scholarships will cover all expenses for the students awarded. They will also be selecting students to take part in an international mathematics Olympiad competition annually hosted in different parts of the world.